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Smiling Dog: 'Kali' has been waiting for her owner in the hospital for 6 years

Real stroy of human and dog after owner death of owner in hospital kaali ( dog ) waiting for his owner to come back...
Have you seen the movie 'Hachi'?
  In 'Hachi' film about the bond between dogs and humans, a dog named Hachi spends years at a railway station waiting for his dead master.
'Hachi' is a film based on a true incident in Japan. A similar incident has been repeated at Alka Hospital in Patan, Nepal.

A female dog has been waiting for her owner here for the last 6 years.
Scattered black hair all over the body, brown around the neck. The name of this agile-looking dog is 'Kali'. The hospital staff says that he was named Kali because of his dark complexion.

How did Kali reach the hospital?
  According to Bhagwan KC, the head of administration of Alka Hospital, a young sick man came six years ago. He was initially kept in a cabin but later shifted to the ICU.  Kali used to sit around after the sick owner was put in the cabin, she was sitting around the cabin waiting for his owner.

 After the death of the sick young man, the family members tried to bring Kali back home. But Kali did not agree. she stayed in the hospital waiting for his owner to return. Sometimes Kali follows a person to the other side. Maybe she thinks that person is her boss. 

According to other hospital staff, Kali was very young when she first came and Kali's wait is not over till today. Even today, she continues to run along the path where her master last left. In the span of six years, the color of the hospital changed. Kali's body hair was becoming fluffy. But his behavior has not changed.

"When I understood about Kali, I heard that she was waiting for his master, I saw for the first time that an animal has so much love for its master."

We also asked Gianimaya Maharjan, another employee of the hospital.  According to him, 'Kali stays outside the cabin all day. She goes to the cabin after 7 pm and sleeps there. Outside dogs and animals are not allowed to enter the hospital, this exemption is only for Kali.'

For three years Sarita, another employee, started taking care of Kali. She has a restaurant near the hospital. Kali sits in front of Sarita's restaurant in the afternoon. She always separates food for Kali.

She further said, 'When I saw kali waiting for his owner till now, I realized that even animals have so much affection and love for humans.'

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