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A beautiful couple's sad love story

        A beautiful couple! They get married after 3-4 years of love, after the marriage, love grows even more, both of them are very happy and living happily with a happy family. In the morning and in the evening, the wife would always pray to God for her husband's long life after reciting puja.

And the husband used to work all day, the husband thought of keeping his wife happy and starting a new life by working all day. One day, the boy goes to work in the morning. But he doesn't come back even after dinner. After the husband doesn't come home, the girl is very scared, she tries to call many times but the mobile phone is switched off, she stays at the door all night hoping for her husband to come, the next day after 7 o'clock in the morning, the boy comes home. He comes, then he sees his wife at the door and the husband says: Why are you sitting at the door crying, come on, get up and go inside, and the wife says: Where did you go all night..? The husband goes to the room without saying anything and sleeps.

     The next day, the wife says: Oh sir!! Don't you go to work? What does the husband mean to me!!
Days pass by.. and the fight increases in the house, after a month, the boy asks for a divorce from the girl, but the girl refuses, after the wife refuses, the boy forces her to sign the divorce paper. After that, the boy leaves the house.

   The girl cries day and night hoping that her husband will come, but the boy does not show any interest. Even though she has a stomach to feed, the girl works in a poster. A year later, a boy who works in the girl's poster proposes to the girl, the girl was also forced. She agrees to marry because she cannot live alone for such a long time. But the girl still has love for the previous boy in her heart.

On the wedding day, Afish's boy and girl were getting married. Pandit was reciting mantras in the wedding mandap, and after the boy had put vermilion on the girl's seat, suddenly, a crazy guy with a long beard and curly hair came to the wedding mandap with a plate in his hand.
And a statue of God and a letter were given to the girl's hand, the girl was not surprised, the girl shed tears while looking at the statue given by the madman because she had given that statue to the first boy as a sign of love. And the girl opened the letter and started reading.

In the letter it was written..
dearer than my life my dear Sanu, I still love you very much. I wanted you to be someone else, not mine, because I have cancer! The day you were sitting at the door crying. On that day, while I was working at my workplace, blood came out of my mouth and after that, when I examined the doctor and looked at the report, the doctor said that I have cancer.

That's why I didn't even go home with tension. If I don't go home for one day and you stay up all night, how will your condition be when I leave the world..?? I am getting away from this world, Sanu, but now you are starting your new life, how many days will I live?? So don't ever think that I was in your life. Love is not only to get love but also to lose it, please don't try to find me.
She runs towards the Gate as the final leave from the unfortunate who loves you
, but the boy is nowhere to be seen and starts a new life in tears.

Moral: True love lovers never spoil the future of their loved ones. True love is not only having someone, but making a place in someone's heart is true love.


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