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The Short-tempered Demon - Moral Story For Kids.

Once upon a time, there was a very short-tempered demon. He would get angry at the smallest things. When angry, he had no control over his actions...

      Once upon a time, there was a very short-tempered demon. He would get angry at the smallest things. When angry, he had no control over his actions. One day, the demon decided to make for himself a beautiful tree house for
the summer. He worked hard for ten days. On the eleventh day, a beautiful tree house was ready on the tallest tree of the jungle. Just when the demon was giving it the final touches, a pigeon flying above him dropped a worm on his shoulder.
The demon was furious and started chasing the pigeon. After a long chase the tired pigeon sat on top of a tree. The demon was so blinded by rage that he didn't realise that it was the same tree with his precious tree house. He lashed out at it and his beautiful tree house came crashing down along with the tree.

Moral : Thoughtless anger can cause serious damage.

Why Read Moral Stories to Kids?

Reading moral stories to kids help impart life values without being preachy. Moral and ethics contribute immensely to the character and have a deep impact on shaping children.

Moral stories for kids, just like reading, are not only a wonderful way to build literacy skills but also a subtle, effective way to lay strong moral foundation. Reading moral stories together help children assimilate family values and ethics, giving them a strong grounding.

Help Kids build Resilience

Moral stories for kids provide children with a precedent that can help them stay afloat during challenges. These stories act like guides and help children make the right choices.

Reading moral stories and true-life stories help children to overcome adversities by inculcating strong values and self belief.

Life does not come with a manual. With its intricate twists and turns, life can be really confusing. What can really help your children navigate through its ups and downs is a strong set of moral values and ethics.

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